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We Are Right Hardwood Flooring
Experts Since 2001

Right Flooring offers a wide selection of Top Quality Wood Flooring as well as Professional Installation, Repair, Restoration and Refinishing of Hardwood Flooring in Mississauga and the GTA

Our flooring technicians are real craftsmen, passionate about making your living space simply fabulous. We use only the highest quality tools for Dustless Sanding, Floor and Staircase Refinishing and Repair. We also take special care to ensure a safe, clean and eco-friendly work environment.

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Company overview

Our vision is to empower our members to become leaders and shapers of finance and business in Australia New Zealand and wherever they may work around the world

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Although the name and products have changed, the principles are the same. Four generations of the Ames family have brought their commitment to excellence and customer service to the communities they serve

Right Flooring began in 1912 as Ames Bros. Distributors Ltd. on Alexander Street in downtown Vancouver. Founded by Cyril Ames and his brother David, Ames Bros. started as a small agency business. The partnership between the brothers lasted less than two weeks, but the company has lived on for 100 years and has evolved and emerged as a leader in the tile and stone industry.

Our Mission

Countless Design Possibilities for Your Unique Expression Dedicated to creating the highest-quality hardwood
flooring in the world

The perfect harmony between innovation and creativity, our bathroom tiles are produced in compliance with the international standards. High quality 20mm thick porcelain tiles that can be laid on pedestals,

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Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc hendrerit ornare sem dictum tempus. Donec pulvinar imperdiet velit, non suscipit velit vel. Duis eu dictum dolors.

In vel turpis vestibulum, ultrices est in, feugiat felis. Nam eu felis justo. Nunc non scelerisque odio. Nunc elementum arcu eu lacus euismod, sed pharetra elit dapibus. Curabitur vel lacinia risus, non efficitur sem.

Our Expert Team

We are Flooring and tiles team based on Brooklyn. We like to make you feel 'more' on your home , Mullican
Flooring provides customers with endless possibilities for beautifully designed spaces.